Wednesday 16 May 2012

Vessel art gallery

I managed to get an interview for an art gallery called vessel on the 25th of august, it didn’t go terribly well and I stumbled a lot of the words but I managed to get hired, I think it helped that there were only a few of use attending. My first visit to vessel was enjoyable. It is a large post-industrial concrete building that had fallen into disrepair, Carl and Glen managed to get it at a reduced rate because the council were unable to rent it. I was told what they had planned for use to do and what our responsibilities where, we also signed contracts. We have started painting and renovating vessel. It is taking quite a lot of work to do as it is such a big building. We started of simply dusting up the floor, after that we painted the walls, this took up most of our time due to the size of the building, also the fact that it took several layers of paint to get it white. We only put most of the artwork up in the last few hours before we opened and even then we had to delay it a couple of minutes to get everything finished. This is quite unprofessional but it has been a rush to get everything finished in time. The private view was highly fun and exciting, I managed to meet quite a few people there and it was a good opportunity to talk to people about the art work. There was a performance piece called vest and page there that I found quite disturbing, it really made me appricate what people mean when they use the word voyeuristic, the fact that these people are so close to you and get don’t notice you looking at them. The public view was more or less the same as the private view, except that there was a band and more alcohol. Invigilating for the most part was quite boring, generally it involved just sitting around waiting for people to come in as we only got around nine or the people a day. There were good parts thought, for instance, whenever Carl or Glen would invigilate with me as it meant they would tell me interesting details about being an artist, such as the fact that art is 40% contextualisation. Carl and Glen decided to put on an art fair in order to make a get some of the money they had invested back. Because I helped them out I was given a free spot to sell my work. I decided to print some photos I had shot a while back. These photos where picked for aesthetic reasons and because I thought they would sell, I managed to find some cheap frames for them and the overall effect looked quite good. I didn’t make any money out of them and I think it was a mistake to pick them for their aesthetic reasons instead making an artistic project but at the time I didn’t have one I could display.